S.No. Name Highest Qualification Domain of Expertise Professional Work Experience (in years) LinkedIn Profile URL Is he full-time into this venture? Present Role in the venture

14-08-2024 : Application Form for Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Position. ,      14-08-2024 : Walk-in Interview for Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) at CSVTU Foundation for Rural Technology and Entrepreneurship (CSVTU-FORTE) ,      28-02-2024 : Corrigendum: ADVERTISEMENT FOR RECRUITMENT OF STAFF FOR REC CSR PROJECT under CSVTU-FORTE (Extended Deadline: 8th March 2024). ,      12-02-2024 : ADVERTISEMENT FOR RECRUITMENT OF STAFF FOR REC CSR PROJET under CSVTU-FORTE (Last Date: 24/02/2024) ,      02-02-2024 : RFP for “Empanelment of CS & CA firms/Individuals for providing all necessary services related to fulfilment of ROC compliances to CSVTU-FORTE and associated startups” ,      10-01-2024 : FORTE-LAUNCHPAD 1.0 ,      02-08-2023 : IGNITION GRANT UNDER NIDHI i-TBI, CSVTU BHILAI ,      26-05-2023 : RFP for Empanelment of Channel-Partner for promotion of rural and agro-enterprises ,